An ideal game for building up speaking and listening skills, perfect for Early Years, Key Stage 1 or ESL/ELL students.
Over 30 Game Cards
Bright and colourful cards. Laminate for long term durability.
Included in this 40 page download-
Multiple printables including:
My Healthy Plate
Healthy Foods versus Unhealthy Foods
Writing Templates
Ideal for EYFS and KS1
This pack is ideal for EYFS/KS1 for PSHE and covers the area of learning on Emotions.
The pack includes coloured flashcards with infographics and several printables / worksheets. Worksheets are differentiated. Included are several writing tempaltes ideal for the more able emergent writers.
A fun pack of 35 pages that you and your students will love!
No prep required.
Check the preview!
This 45 page pack includes differentiated worksheets, flashcards and colouring pages for EYFS/KS1.
Includes Humans and Animals and their senses.
Discusses several different animals and how they use their senses in comparison to us.
These can be discussed further.
Includes tracing for the less able and writing extension pages for the more able.
Includes one full set of display cards- these can be used during discussion time and/or for display purposes.
Over 20 printables!
Fun lettering for displays.
Includes lower and uppercase letters, exclamation marks, full stops and question marks!
Print as many copies as you need, laminate for long term durability!
Font is a PRINT.
A wonderful pack to tackle friendships, anti-bullying and kindness in EYFS/KS1.
The pack includes several writing tasks (guided lines provided on most worksheets)
Classroom Posters
12 Kindness Task Cards
Acrostic Poem Template
12 Worksheets
1 Certificate
Real life photos showing simple acts of kindness (can be used for further discussion and/or descriptive writing)
Check out the preview!
Over 30 Winter Writing Templates.
Can be used for Winter Creative Writing, Poetry and Handwriting!
Includes Australian Dotted Thirds, USA double spaced lines and UK formation templates for EYFS/KS1 and single line for KS2.
Check out the preview .
Well, it’s almost time to think about wrapping up for Summer! It’s time to take our foot off the ignition and start slowing down.
This little activity pack is great to start winding down with students.
If you want to keep your foot on the pedal, you can send these home for Summer as gifts! Ink friendly and parents may be glad of them for those rainy days!
Suitable for EYFS/KS1
The colouring book is a 20 page booklet in black and white.
It covers tracing, writing and colouring.
File is PDF Format!
4 Animal Board Games, perfect for stations or centres. These games are suitable for children aged 5-11 and will encourage speaking and listening between students. These board games are great for EYL and ELL.
Five year olds may need a little extra help with the words on the board!
**Over 80 Printables**
Included in this Knights and Castles Activity Pack-
-Knights and Castles Differentiated Worksheets for Emergent Readers and Writers
(simple tracing of words, colouring and/or writing sentences)
-Extension Worksheets for Literacy (Create a Knight, create a King)
-Cross-curricular science/materials worksheets (Best materials for a Castle)
-Real Life Castle Pictures showing Castles in England and Europe (excellent for discussion and visual learners).
-Writing Templates for Queen, King and Dragon with Suggested Words and Guided Lines
-Over 6 Spelling Worksheets for ‘Castles and Knights’ related words
-Over 40 Flashcards that can be used for Display Purposes
-Knights, Pages and Spires teaching book (can be laminated and used as a reading book and/or used for display purposes)
- 4 Boards Games (help the Knight find his way back to the Castle)
-Conclusion and Write Up ‘Assessment’ Sheet
Suitable for EYFS and KS1
*Don’t forget to check out the preview!*
Check out my Knights and Castles display lettering in my shop!
Merry Christmas!
Hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year!
My shop will have a sale Christmas Eve AND Christmas Day for anyone who wants to grab a Christmas bargain!
Be sure to check out my January Writing Pack - perfect for that first week back. No prep needed!
If you are looking for something a little different, my New Year Activity Pack is great for going over those New Year resolutions!